So Hello Gorgeous! You? Yes you, come on in, I welcome you into my inner essence, my pathway into the discovery of the richness of life. Come travel with me, somewhere as yet unknown, undefined, uninitiated. Let's explore the richness of this life we have chosen to live, at this exact moment in time.
For you see, I believe, in fact I Know, that we are exactly as we should be, to be here right now, no life is a waste, a cast away. Each of us is rich in juicy, gnarly, aspects that bring our special essence to roost in the here and now. To Be. Yes the endless query of who, what, why and how we are. So I invite you to come flow with me as we bob along the sweet byways of life. Enter with me into the Inner Beauty Revolution, the path to the Temple of Acceptance. You, Yes you, you are prepared, fully equipped and most definitely enough to go on this journey. Welcome.
Let's start at the very beginning, a very good pace to start. (See how sound helps bring us into focus, a lyric, helps set the stage; envelope us into a shared pathway of discovery.) Today, my name is Diane Sidebottom, Born in 1962, at today's date I am 57 years of age. Gasp! an expression of age and truth, well my dears, this is my pathway, the one less travelled. Truth, honesty, and love, existing as is, and finding love, courage, compassion and joy revelling in this body, this life choice of being me.
The story will unfold over time, and with your desire, you to become a co-traveller, no expectation, just an invitation. I am ready, and that, with in itself, is enough. My journey into becoming an active participant of my temple of existence, my body, spirit and essence fused into one vibrancy, this is the existence, the exploration that is open to all who seek. Are you a seeker? Do you want more? Lets settle into the choices of being, lots of choices, changes, a few hairpin curves, but a road well travelled.
For now I view myself as an essence, embodied in a physical consort, my body, a lifelong partnership. We are one, we care for one another, now. We have learned to see, touch, hear, taste, sense and even smell one another. To celebrate and love one another, through all the experiences the good and bad, the beauty and the tragedy. Indeed, the fullness the richness of being in a life. Finding comfort through learning and finding ease with our co-existence, and sharing the connection, the beauty of just being me.
So, once again, Hello Gorgeous.
Welcome to my souls desire, a traveled life of coming into being in concert with myself, allowing my soul song, my one verse to rise and to be shared. For my thoughts come out of primordial source, but they travel though me, pass within my inner temple, which carries my brand or view. For clarification, for decades I have heard people talking about their great ideas and creation, be it, art, song or written words that come through them not from them, I say that is not true. You message may rise from the primordial soup of existence, but these creations, pass through you, they embody you, and you bring forward your version of what you have tapped into, branded with your( w)holy life essence. Right now just as you are, your perfectly imperfect creative self. How many times have you thought of inspirations, thoughts, actions, songs, books.... came from somewhere just beyond our known grasp? The ether spaces, for me, it's from the mysts. For years I too saw this as a space I occasionally caught a glimpse of, but was not part of, part of me. The road has shown me that this is the break away, this is the path less travelled. This is the journey into the Beauty Full. Exploring the core essence of being whole. With acceptance of this idea, the pathway, the mysts have opened more frequently, inviting me in and allowing me to bring it outward with my own unique expression. We are partners, just as our spiritual essence, our soul being is a partner with our body.
We are one.
So, I am source. I am Body.
I am Essence. I am Existence.
I am One, and
We are together.
This story, this jaunt, is held on a Dragons Train. Come into the unknown, the elixir of magic that we push away. This is the embodiment, loving the soul essence and the body of life into full beauty. Yes Body Beauty Full. As beauty rises, love and acceptance rise, the courage to live a full existence, revelling in all that occurs, the smooth, the wicked, the disrupted, the harmful, the harming all swooping in wild abandon, bringing the essence of existence home. This is a juicy-oozing journey of wholeness of our whole-ly-ness. Is your desire rising? Do you feel the call? are you ready to free fall, to explore? Say yes! Jump onto the Dragon Train. We have been waiting for you!
Diane Sidebottom
2.11.2020 @11.11AM